Cystinuria in the Irish Terrier (11engl.): The end for the genetic test in CU research

  • Dear visitors of Irish Online and friends of the Irish Terrier,

    for some years now, we have been reporting regularly and mostly on specific occasions on the progress of research into cystinuria in Irish Terriers. In recent years, Dr. Ulrich Merschbrock has worked intensively on this topic and made valuable contributions. In particular, he has intensified the collaboration with the University of Bern and the research group led by Prof. Tosso Leeb and has initiated and maintained constant communication over a long period of time. With great commitment, he provided numerous valid samples and fed them into the research process, thus making the complex analyses with a large amount of data possible in the first place. Despite optimistic anticipation of the results of the study everywhere, our hopes for a genetic test have not been fulfilled by the outcome. The article “The end for the genetic test in CU research” summarises the facts from Dr. Merschbrock’s and Prof. Leeb’s perspective that led to the outcome of the study.

    Here you can download the full article

    Thomas Zengler
    Breed Representative